On Day One of DNC Democrats Promote Violent Protests, Open Borders and the Devastating and Foolish Green New Deal

2 mins read

After Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley called for targeting GOP officials with “unrest in the streets” over the weekend and more shocking footage of violence in Portland emerged, Joe Biden’s Squad member applauded the rioters in Portland for “rising up.”

Here is the kind of activities Rep. Pressley is applauding:

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Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes, who has frequently praised anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan said, America “may well go to hell” if we don’t have open borders.

Then the Democrats promoted the Green New Deal which would destroy the world’s greatest economy ever:

The DNC’s first day was a dumpster fire.  If they win, America and the world will suffer for generations.

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