We guess Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was right when she said last month that crime was up in New York City because people “feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry.”
It’s too bad there weren’t any bakeries in the center of Chicago where all the rioting and looting took place Sunday night because looters had to do with Gucci bags and Nike shoes — you can’t eat those.
As Twitchy reported Monday night, a group of protesters formed in front of the District 1 police station Monday, demanding the release of those who’d been arrested during the rioting and looting. The protesters promised to stay put and held a giant banner reading, “Our futures have been looted from us … loot back.”
We’d mentioned that Ariel Atkins of Black Lives Matter Chicago had grabbed a microphone, but here’s a much better view of her speech to the gathered protesters from WGN. In short, she doesn’t care if stores are looted, because it counts as reparations.
Looting justified? BLM leaders say “they deserve free stuff, it’s part of reparations.” We’ll discuss @MorningAnswer @DanProft pic.twitter.com/Ym2lf4eoz7
— Amy Jacobson (@AmyJacobson) August 11, 2020
The feeling of entitlement has led to more evil in this world than anything else
— lisa_vanl (@lisa_vanl) August 11, 2020
I don’t think the looting had anything to do with feeding their families.
— zakthecat (@ZaktheCat) August 11, 2020
Maybe there were loaves of bread in all of those Nike shoe boxes.
Disgusting thieves and crooks
— Howard Tullman (@tullman) August 11, 2020
I can’t watch it.
— Mike Callahan (@fmcallahan) August 11, 2020
Well … it’s a position
— Wayward Viking (@NotThatLars) August 11, 2020
Is that the official position of Black Lives Matter, or just Black Lives Matter Chicago? Because we think all of the corporations and sports franchises that have bent over backward to appease Black Lives Matter should know.
I have no words 😡
— CDOno (@cd_ono) August 11, 2020
— Lev Pinter 🇺🇸 (@Seamus4279) August 11, 2020
— Gal Pissetzky (@GPissetzky) August 11, 2020
If this is what they believe, they should be designated as a gang/domestic terrorism group. No sane person should think this is normal.
— TonyJ (@tonyjj3) August 11, 2020
Absolutely! It’s not normal to normalize crime and make it look like a right.
— Dee Nin (@dnize007) August 11, 2020
And the idiocy continues……
— Bea Velazquez (@BeaV1969) August 11, 2020
I’d say this was unbelievable but it is sadly 100% believeable. And sad.
— Ungaba (@UngabaHockey) August 11, 2020
That person needs a Tesla! That person needs the new iPhone! That person needs a 70 inch television! Get with it people!
— Polska Kielbasa (@DGoodpaster1970) August 11, 2020
This mentality is so messed up.
— Kathy (@KathyFeebs) August 11, 2020
Here’s the discussion: those who can’t obey the basic rules of society don’t deserve to be a part of it.
— T-Flush (@TFlush) August 11, 2020
Why are so many children going into the prison system when they have moms like this?
— Red Eagle Trader (@redeagletrader) August 11, 2020
BLM Chicago justifies looting and vandalism. Expect BLM National org will stay silent.
— John Meyers (@cogmeyer) August 11, 2020
You know not one reporter in America will ask the national organization if this represents Black Lives Matter’s official position.
Let’s go to her house and loot it.
— mdourlain (@ODINSGTO) August 11, 2020
Free housing, Free clothing, Free food pic.twitter.com/RcM4VZx5L5
— Charlie Theriault (@CharlieTheriau2) August 11, 2020
That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a long time and we’re 8 months into 2020
— Sir Badminton of Bitcoin – 21ism – 🌮 ⚡️ 🔑 (@HodlerThanThou) August 11, 2020
YEAH, when they drive their $60,000 Audi into a Gucci store window so they can loot it that person will be able to buy a loaf of bread and be able to eat that day what’s the matter with you LMFAO . When we gonna have a burn an antifa flag rally?
— SnorkyJr (@SnorkyJr) August 11, 2020
BLM Chicago needs a new leader or this movement will die. This was absolutely the wrong take
— SuperGrover (@IllinNoize) August 11, 2020
She didn’t sound like she had any doubt she was speaking the truth.
Chicago protesters demanding release of those arrested for looting hold giant ‘Loot Back’ sign https://t.co/JX1w9sgUYm
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 11, 2020