Attorney Advocating for New York Prosecution of Roger Stone Previously Represented Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Argued for His Exoneration

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In an Op-ed published at CNN and updated on Monday, July 13, 2020, two far-left attorneys are arguing for New York to get involved with the now discredited and fraudulent Mueller investigation.  They advocate for New York prosecutors to bring Roger Stone in front of another court in an effort to continue the fraudulent Mueller investigation.

Attorneys Gerald Lefcourt (top in picture above) and Robert Gottlieb (below Lefcourt in picture above) were described by CNN last week as follows:

Gerald B. Lefcourt is past president of the National Association of Criminal Lawyers, a founder of the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, founder and past president of the New York Criminal Bar Association. He is currently in private practice. Robert C. Gottlieb served as an Assistant District Attorney in New York under Robert Morgenthau before founding his own criminal defense law firm Gottlieb & Janey, LLP in New York City. The opinions expressed here are their own. Read more opinion at CNN.

These two far-left attorneys who evidently have no regard for the US Constitution shared the following in the Op-ed:

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To almost no one’s surprise, days before Roger Stone’s prison sentence was about to begin, President Donald Trump has spared his long-time political crony from the pen — late Friday, Mr. Trump commuted Stone’s sentence. It is time for New York prosecutors to answer this latest assault by Trump on the rule of law: They should ready a state prosecution of Stone.

Bringing a new case against Stone is possible thanks to Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York Legislature for Assembly Bill 6653. Signed into law last October, AB6653 enables New York district attorneys to prosecute what effectively amounts to certain friends and family of any president who pardoned them for federal convictions. Among the people who can be prosecuted are associates with information relevant to a civil or criminal investigation of the president.

That would be Roger Stone.

Both of us have been criminal defense lawyers in New York for more than 40 years. It is not our habit to advocate prosecuting anyone. But we are defenders of our Constitution first. It is under assault.

Yes the US Constitution is under assault – it was under assault by the criminal and corrupt Obama Administration for eight years and since then has been under assault by the many corrupt holdovers Obama left in the DOJ and FBI.

The state of New York is now led by corrupt individuals like Governor Cuomo who should be investigated for the murder of thousands of elderly in New York based on his response to the China coronavirus.  His far-left state voted to make it legal to kill babies up to the day they are born and also passed the unconstitutional law noted above in the CNN article.

The US Constitution clearly allows for the President to pardon and commute sentences on individuals.  It is the law.  States cannot override a pardon or commutation of the President nor has this ever occurred according to our research.  New York’s law is unconstitutional.  If New York does this, it will be overturned by an honest court.

Roger Stone is accused of crimes based on an investigation that was criminal and an event that has never been proven.  He supposedly lied to Congress about emails related to the now totally debunked Trump-Russia sham.  His entire case was built around the lie that Russia hacked the DNC’s emails.  This has never been proven and the head of Crowdstrike, the firm that reportedly claimed that they had evidence Russia hacked the DNC and gave emails to WikiLeaks, later claimed under oath in front of Congress that they did not have this information.  Also, the Mueller investigative gang never even asked Julian Assange or WikiLeaks who provided WikiLeaks the DNC’s emails that they released before the 2016 election!

(It’s clear the Mueller gang didn’t want to know the truth – they only wanted to indict President Trump and have him removed from office.)

None of this matters to CNN’s star attorneys calling for more prosecutorial abuse and waste of tax payer money in the harassment of the Trump family and friends and in a continuation of Obama’s coup of the Trump Administration.

CNN should have vetted these authors before they used them in a hit piece on Roger Stone and President Trump because one of these individuals represented pedophile Jeffrey Epstein a few years ago.  

Attorney Lefcourt, (who supplied a creepy picture of himself for CNN from what looks to be from 50 or 60 years ago) was the lawyer who gladly accepted legal fees from Jeffrey Epstein.

MSNBC reported on Lefcourt after Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in jail a few months ago:

Lefcourt in recent weeks had been consulting with Epstein’s current defense lawyers about a non-prosecution deal that Lefcourt had cut with the U.S. Justice Department in 2007, that said Epstein would not be federally prosecuted in Florida as part of a probe there involving suspected sexual abuse of underage girls.

The deal called for Epstein to plead guilty to prostitution-related charges involving an underage girl in a case lodged by a state prosecutor, and to register as a sex offender. In exchange, Epstein and his suspected co-conspirators would not be hit with far more serious federal criminal charges.

U.S. Attorney for Manhattan Geoffrey Berman has said that deal did not prevent Berman’s office from filing the new child sex trafficking case against Epstein last month, even though it involves the same time frame, the same conduct and Epstein’s home in Florida. Berman said the 2007 deal did not bar him, or federal prosecutors outside of southern Florida, from charging Epstein for the same conduct and time frame.

Lefcourt said Berman is wrong. “The deal, if you read it, says to cover all federal and state liability, and even mentions this statute” of sex trafficking, Lefcourt said. “We were preparing to argue that the deal covers this.”

“If you read the agreement, and know that it was approved by the deputy attorney general of the United States, and there was no new women” alleged to be abused since 2007 then the current prosecution “should have been precluded,” Epstein said.

Lefcourt negotiated the deal with the STATE OF FLORIDA to charge Jeffrey Epstein with the prostitution related charges instead of child sex trafficking, child sex exploitation and rape of minors. Epstein received a sentence of 13 months but was able to spend his days in an air conditioned jail in Florida.

Epstein went on to continue his illegal activities and was arrested  in 2019 for sex trafficking of minors in New York and Florida.  How many young women were abused or raped in those 11 years thanks to Lefcourt’s actions to free Epstein?

Now Epstein’s lawyer wants to lecture America on how Roger Stone has not suffered enough in a fake investigation and court case under a corrupt judge and jury, prosecuted by evil prosecutors!  What a piece of work.

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