If any of these things matter to you, you cannot vote for Joe Biden

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Charlotte, NC – The media continues to ask the question about how anyone can support Donald Trump. The man who is chaotic, crazy, unstable, and unfit to be President. At least, that’s the story that they keep telling us.

The real question that should be asked is, how can anyone vote for Joe Biden? Not one single mainstream media outlet is going to pose that question, but it’s a valid question.

There are several things that someone must consider when they are going to cast their vote. You obviously choose the candidate that has the values that most aligns with your core values. The left has claimed that this is not a touch choice for anyone this year, that the clear answer is Joe Biden.

The problem is that there are some big issues with Joe Biden’s values and platform that anyone must consider before voting for him. I think it’s worth a closer look at those to see where we line up.

Biden wants to raise your taxes

Joe Biden is on course for record setting tax increases. HIs is much different from Clinton’s proposed $1 trillion tax increase in 2016. His is a whopping $4 trillion over the next 10 years. This is almost certainly not what our nation needs during this forced recession we are in due to coronavirus.

He will immediately repeal the Trump tax cuts and bring back a tax burden to many Americans. The Hill noted that a tax increase by President Hoover, while the economy was struggling, is what led to the Great Depression. Of course, a permanently depressed economy seems to be what the Democrats are after.

Biden will expand abortions

Joe Biden has long been an advocate of abortion. He has had some wavering positions in the past, but in general has been an advocate. He has voted against partial birth abortion in the past, but it’s unclear where he stands currently.

If we can take a hint from another previous position, he said he would support removing the Hyde Amendment. This amendment prevents the use of federal funds for abortions. He also said that he would restore funding for Planned Parenthood that was removed by President Trump.

Biden will deepen the racial divide

Joe Biden has made multiple comments throughout the recent events across our country. Not only was he ashamed of our past, he said our country was a failure. In general, Americans do not have an issue with racism, but the Democrats keep pushing the lie that we do.

One of Biden’s big plans will be to further the racial divide by giving away free benefits to black individuals, such as housing assistance, that is not available to white individuals. This is the very definition of discrimination and racism. We have to remember, these things go both ways!

Biden will take away Second Amendment rights

At every opportunity, Biden has been quick to share his opposition to second amendment rights. He wants to limit the ability to purchase and own guns, he wants to force gun buybacks and he wants to impose more restrictions on gun owners that do own firearms.

If these matter, how can you support Biden?

As I said before, if you care about any of these things, you simply cannot vote for Joe Biden. From taxes, the unborn, race relations, and gun rights, Biden has a horrible record. He has wavered on many opinions, miraculously ending up on the side that will get him the most votes.

Joe Biden is a career politician that simply wants to check the last box off on his career. He has always wanted to be President. Americans simply cannot afford to let this happen.

Jared Dyson is the Editor-in-Chief at The Liberty Loft and host of The Jared Dyson Show. Be sure to subscribe to The Liberty Loft’s daily newsletter. If you enjoy our content, please consider donating to support The Liberty Loft so we can continue to deliver great content.

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