Angry Lesbians Release America-Hating Remake of Lee Greenwood’s Classic for 4th of July (VIDEO)

2 mins read

On the 4th of July this year two angry lesbians released their revised anti-American version of Lee Greenwood’s American classic, “God Bless the USA.”

The singing duo titled their screed “I’m ashamed to be an American” where they sing about their hatred of America and flip off the camera.

The two women say not all are free in America.
It’s not clear what century their speaking of.

The two then end with a fist in the air.

TRENDING: Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls For “Dismantling” of US “Economy and Political Systems” (VIDEO)

The women posted this on Independence Day.

The TikTok user Charlotte Griffith or “Midwestqueer” later deleted all of her videos.

Brandon Tatum destroyed the two idiots.

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