No Christmas Present for You! – GOP Lawmakers Defy President Trump as $2,000 Checks for All Americans FAILS

3 mins read

They really hate you. They really, really hate you.

On Tuesday President Trump gave an address from the White House on the COVID relief bill in which he called on Congress to redo the $900 billion, 5593 pages long bill passed Monday night after months of negotiations by providing payments to Americans of $2000 per adult or $4000 per couple. The bill passed by the House and Senate contained payments of only $600 per adult American but giving up to $1800 for the families of illegal aliens married to American citizens. The address was posted to Twitter.

Trump read off a list of millions and billions of dollars in the bill designated for foreign nations and special interests, comparing that to the $600 for Americans. Trump also called on more relief for small businesses, especially restaurants.

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On Thursday morning the US House voted to give $2,000 to every American in their new bill.

The US House voted it down.

It was a slick trick by Nancy Pelosi to make sure it failed.

All she needed was one objection in a voice vote to ensure it failed. She got it.
She could have called in the entire House to vote but she didn’t. Because she only knows how to play politics and punish Americans.

And, of course, House Republicans defied President Trump.

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