This passes as intelligent discourse on MSNBC.
Guest Princeton professor Eddie Glaude accused Republicans of “willing to kill” anyone who does not agree with their idea of America.
Glaude then says GOP leadership supports this.
This is pure hate speech.
Will Twitter or Facebook ban this clown?
TRENDING: After All He Did for the Republican Party and Her, Chair Ronna McDaniel Won’t Back a Trump Presidential Run in 2024 at This Time
Eddie Glaude: What we have is a Republican Party that is in fact the new Redeemers. That’s who they are. They are defending an idea of America that presumes that people like me, people that hold views that are different than them, do not belong here. And they are willing to kill in the name of it. At least some among them and then you have people in leadership who are willing to defend them.
“I know that was a bit emotional, but I guess that’s what I do”@esglaude takes a deep look at the Republican party and where our democracy stands right now with @NicolleDWallace
— Deadline White House (@DeadlineWH) January 28, 2021