The madness of slow Joe, Iran edition (6)

3 mins read

The Biden administration is working overtime to fund and facilitate Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear weapons and otherwise enhance its evil machinations. These would be the fruits of the arrangement it seeks to finalize with the Iranian regime. A certain kind of madness drives it.

Tom Rogan opens a window on the measures undertaken by the administration to foster an era of good feelings with Iranian murderers in his March 7 Examiner story “Iran plotting assassination of John Bolton, others, even while Biden negotiates nuclear deal.”

Andrew McCarthy comments on Rogan’s story in the NRO/Corner post “Biden Keeping Iranian Plot to Kill John Bolton under Wraps to Avoid Derailing Nuclear Deal.” This is an astounding and enraging story, but it harks back to business as usual in the Obama administration. He concludes:

Now, we have a purported plot to kill a prominent American security official. So, why wouldn’t we want to help the Iranians with a program that will yield nuclear weapons in short order, and in the interim help them by lifting sanctions on their anti-American terrorism so they can subsidize more anti-American terrorism — all with the help of our other negotiating partner, Vladimir Putin?


The deal that is in the works extends well beyond business as usual in the Obama administration, which was itself a pitiful display. Gabriel Noronha served as Special Advisor for Iran in the Department of State Department from. His former colleagues in the department have supplied him with the alarming details of the deal that is in the works. He explores them at length in the Tablet column “This Isn’t Obama’s Iran Deal. It’s Much, Much Worse.” If you don’t read anything else, please read Noronha’s column.

Reuters continues to cover the bumps in the road to completion of the arrangement with Iran. Francois Murphy et al. report on the current status of the deal in “Do not sabotage Iran deal with new conditions, West tells Russia.” I stand by my assessment with a moderate degree of confidence that this is nothing that can’t be resolved by the administration with the friends of Vladimir Putin.

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