Former Vice President Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. (Photo credit: KEREM YUCEL/AFP via Getty Images)
Conservative radio host Mark Levin called Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden a “hugely defective and failed individual” between audio clips pertaining to the former vice president’s plagiarism scandals on the Thursday episode of “The Mark Levin Show.”
“At Syracuse Law school, Biden was involved in a plagiarism incident. He quoted five pages of someone else’s work without giving proper citation,” said an NBC News journalist in a clip Levin played. “He was given an ‘F,’ but appealed to the faculty and allowed to repeat the course; he got a ‘B.'”
“Yeah, he did the same with Neil Kinnock, back then the head of the Labor Party,” the radio host said. “He is a hugely defective and failed individual, who is being propped up and promoted by the media and the Democrat Party.”
Levin also mocked Biden’s middle name, Robinette.
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Below is a transcript of Mark Levin’s comments from the segment:
Mark Levin: Well it’s time we continue, it’s time we look at, and continue to do so, at Joseph Biden. I give them all the same middle initial, “F,” for obvious reasons, Mr. Producer.
His middle name is Robinette? Lunch bucket Joe’s middle name is Robinette? Scranton, Pennsylvania Joe’s middle name is Robinette? Isn’t that a girl’s name, by the way? ‘It was a family name here.’ Lunch bucket Joe, from now on, it’s Joe Robinette Biden. All the backbenchers you watch tomorrow, ‘Joe Robinette Biden.’
Back in 1988, Tom Friedman, you buffoon, talk about liars. Back in 1988, when asked about his academic record, Joe Robinette Biden said the following. Cut one, go.”
Joe Biden: “I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. The first year in law school, I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I won the international Moot Court competition; I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year; I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits; I only needed 123 credits.”
Levin: “Now stop here; you know what’s amazing about this — how he rattles this off and every single thing he is saying is a blatant lie. So he said this over and over and over again, it’s the one thing he has memorized. It’s a blatant lie; he’s a psycho. Now this is 1988, when he had cognitive ability. Go ahead.”
Biden: “I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly.”
Levin: “But what about Biden’s plagiarism in law school and so forth? NBC News, way back in 1987, when they really didn’t want him to be the nominee. Cut two, go.”
NBC News: “At Syracuse Law school, Biden was involved in a plagiarism incident. He quoted five pages of someone else’s work without giving proper citation. He was given an ‘F,’ but appealed to the faculty and allowed to repeat the course; he got a ‘B.’ This comes in the middle of another controversy about plagiarism in Biden’s campaign speeches. Today, he dismissed charges that he routinely adopts phrases from other politicians’ speeches, called it: ‘much ado about nothing.’ Essentially, Biden said, everyone does it.”
BIden: “The notion that every thought, or notion, or idea, you have to go back and find and attribute it to someone, I think is, quite frankly, ludicrous.”
NBC News: “But to the political community in Washington, it all seems of a piece; plagiarism at law school, plagiarism on the stump. For example.”
Biden: “But this standard is not a measure of how we can evaluate the condition of our society; it cannot measure the health of our children, the quality of our education, the joy of their play.”
NBC News: “This is how it sounded when Robert Kennedy said those words in 1968.”
Kennedy: “But the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, the joy of their play.”
NBC News: “Biden gave Kennedy no credit.”
Levin: “Yeah, he did the same with Neil Kinnock, back then the head of the Labor Party. He is a hugely defective and failed individual, who is being propped up and promoted by the media and the Democrat Party.
John Jakubisin joined CNSNews in the summer of 2020. He currently studies at Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia; he is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in political science and economics. At Christendom College, he is a vice president within the student activities council.