The Current Head of the SDNY, Audrey Strauss, Behind the Abusive Bannon and Kolfage Indictments, Is a Lifelong Democrat Donor

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As we reported previously, there are many indications the recent indictment of Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage and others by the SDNY smells of prosecutorial abuse.

In late August war hero and triple amputee Brian Kolfage was arrested for bogus charges related to his, Bannon’s and two other gentlemen’s efforts in building a wall on the Southern Border. The 15 New York USPIS agents who arrested him dragged him into their arrest vehicle with his one good arm in the rain!

The New York Post reported on the arrest:

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Kolfage claimed the feds sought to humiliate him during his Aug. 20 arrest.

He said that morning a squad of United States Postal Inspection Service agents ordered him out of bed and would not allow him to take his prosthetic limbs for the 90-minute drive to a Pensacola courthouse.

“How does a person with no legs get into a vehicle that’s not equipped for a wheelchair?” the former Air Force senior airman said. “I had to get on my butt and crawl up into it like a monkey with one arm and in the rain. My kids were watching. It was humiliating.”

Then the Post reported:

The feds further charged that Kolfage made the fraud a family affair, with his wife being paid by the non-profit for unspecified “media.”

“That never happened,” Kolfage told The Post of payments to his wife, Instagram influencer Ashley Kolfage.

He also denied spending We Build The Wall money on luxury items laid out in the indictment.

“I bought that boat a year before We Build The Wall,” Kolfage said. The 40-foot-foot motorboat, named Warfighter, made a July 4th appearance in a Trump Boat parade near Destin, Fla.

Kolfage says he gets $100,000 a year from the Department of Veterans Affairs for his combat related injuries and also does data work for fundraisers and political campaigns.

“I’m not living a lavish life by any freaking means,” Kolfage said, adding, “We are a good middle class family. Thank God I have a house that was given to me by the Gary Sinise Foundation.”

Kolfage noted that he had a very large Trump Facebook account that has now been purged in addition to all that is going on. He also shared a response to the accusations made by the SDNY in his case:

I’ve never stole a thing in my life, and to be accused of such heinous crimes infuriates me. The SDNY & liberal media claim that I bought a boat, a SUV, and home improvements with donor money! THEY 100% LIED!

So many people have discriminated against me and assume that because I’m disabled that I cant be successful, its downright disgusting.

My boat was ordered custom from the factory in October of 2017, well over a year before the ‘We Build the Wall’ GoFundMe even started. The boat arrived in Destin, Florida from the factory in October 2018, still months before the GoFundMe. (Brian has Instagram posts to prove it.)

The media and the SDNY had one goal, ASSASSINATE my character in the news to America in order to shutdown the wall building. And now you’re seeing just how wrong they are.

Kolfage continued after providing proof for the statements above from Instagram:

If the media and our judicial system can lie about this, you know damn well everything else is lie! This was a political hit job to assassinate our characters just before the election in order to make Trump look bad.

The politically corrupted investigators painted a story that I had begun living an abnormally “lavish lifestyle” after starting the GoFundMe to build the wall. But in reality, it was the exact opposite! Go look at my Instagram, I was living the best life before the wall project. Since beginning the project I stopped taking vacations, I neglected my family time, I busted my ass working hard to do something that our own government could not achieve in 30 years and we did it in 6 months. WE BUILT THE WALL! And for that I’m being targeted now.

In mid-September a judge slammed the SDNY and ordered the whole high-powered Manhattan office to read her 34-page opinion on the botched case.  (This directive is unheard of.)

Bloomberg reported:

A judge sharply criticized federal prosecutors for failing to turn over important evidence to a businessman accused of violating U.S. sanctions on Iran — and then ordered the whole high-powered Manhattan office to read her 34-page opinion on the botched case.

U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan found “serious and pervasive issues related to disclosure failures and misleading statements to the court,” detailing problems with the government’s handling of the case against Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad.

“The cost of such government misconduct is high,” Nathan wrote. “With each misstep, the public faith in the criminal-justice system further erodes. With each document wrongfully withheld, an innocent person faces the chance of wrongful conviction. And with each unforced government error, the likelihood grows that a reviewing court will be forced to reverse a conviction or even dismiss an indictment, resulting in wasted resources, delayed justice, and individuals guilty of crimes potentially going unpunished.”

The case is a significant black eye for the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan, one of the most prestigious and powerful in the country. The judge called for a “full investigation” by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility.

Sidney Powell, who knows the actions taken by Weissmann and other corrupt prosecutors from the Mueller gang too well, tweeted about the ruling:

(Yes, this is where fired former FBI Director Jim Comey’s daughter now works as well.  She’s learning from the most corrupt office in the nation.)

Today we have support on why the SDNY is so terribly corrupt – the SDNY is led by a lifelong Democrat, Audrey Strauss. 

Ms. Strauss is listed as a Democrat on her Wikipedia page.  However, this is an understatement.  Ms. Strauss has donated more than $40,000 to Democrats since the late 1980’s up through 2017 per the FEC website.  (Data is not currently available since 2017).

This tells us more about the kind of people running the SDNY.  They are not God and country loving conservatives.

The SDNY is in a real embarrassing situation. They abused a triple amputee Iraq War hero and made him drag himself shamelessly into their arrest vehicle in the rain. They didn’t provide any accommodations for his disabilities received in the war. They did this in front of his family. They charged him with bogus crimes and now are likely facing a lawsuit for the abuse they caused this disabled hero.

The SDNY and the Mueller gang are examples of our justice system run amuck.  The corruption continues with Audrey Strauss, the current head of the SDNY, having a lifetime of Democrat allegiances.

The SDNY should be shut down and rebuilt from scratch.

** You can donate to Brian Kolfage’s fund to cover his legal expenses here –

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