BLM-LA has Just Discovered What L.A. Conservatives Have Known for Years About Mayor Eric Garcetti

7 mins read

Black Lives Matter in Los Angeles is not happy with Mayor Eric Garcetti. Despite his virtue signaling in supporting their #DefundthePolice charges, and marching with them and kneeling during the George Floyd protests in May.

BLM-LA started protesting Tuesday at 6th and Irving, the official Mayor’s mansion, and have come back every day to protest. BLM-LA has declared that Eric Garcetti is a White Supremacist <No?!.>, who oversees a police state <clutch the pearls>, and that he should not be able to ascend to a cabinet position in the Biden-Harris administration.

“BLM Los Angeles’ action plan for “#BlockGarcetti” takes issue with the city’s rising population of homeless residents and accuses Garcetti of “disappearing on the city in pursuit of personal gains.” The chapter’s protest strategy includes encouraging participants to use hashtags like “#BlockGarcetti,” #Garcettiville” and “F***Garcetti” while sharing photos and videos from the protests online.”

As my colleague, Alex Parker wrote:

“Not only has Eric gotten the ire of some on his own side, he may go down in contemporary history — as the first-ever officially-declared racist Democrat.”

Welcome to the party, BLM-LA. Conservatives, especially Black conservatives have known this all along. Garcetti has been flirting with higher office since he won his first mayoral election back in 2013. After his second win in 2017, he was barely in the office, traveling the world polishing his bona fides, and refusing to commit to serving out his full second term.

From a 2017 Political Wire piece:

“Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) “logged 112 days, or nearly one-third of his time, away from California over the last 12 months, according to his public calendar,” the Los Angeles Times reports.

“ ‘Reelected in March with 81% of the vote, Garcetti has refused to commit to serving his entire second term. As he visits New Hampshire and Wisconsin, the mayor remains coy about whether he’ll run for president in 2020.’

“ ‘But as he flirts with the idea, Garcetti tests the public’s willingness to tolerate his absences.’ ”


So we have known a long time that Garcetti had no interest in Los Angeles beyond furthering his goals to run for California Governor, or the Presidency. When the timing for both were removed from his grasp, he attached himself to the Biden campaign as a surrogate and West Coast chair, determined to get into higher office, come hook or crook. My bets are on crook.

Currently, he is jockeying with New York city Mayor Bill de Blasio as the worst in history. The homeless crisis is not the only albatross around his skinny, white neck. His poor handling of the COVID pandemic, his almost salacious delight in the draconian lockdowns and arrest of Los Angeles residents, and his feigned ignorance over the sexual harassment charges filed against one of Garcetti’s closest advisors, Rick Jacobs, are part of the laundry list of incompetent leadership and missteps that have marked his two-term tenure in Los Angeles.

“In July 2020, an LAPD officer assigned to Mayor Eric Garcetti’s security detail filed a lawsuit against the city claiming that one of Garcetti’s top advisors, Rick Jacobs, repeatedly sexually harassed and assaulted him in Garcetti’s presence. Officer Matthew Garza alleges that Garcetti ‘took no action to stop the comments from being made or even identify the comments as being inappropriate. On some occasions, the Mayor would laugh at Jacobs’ crude comments.’ ”

It was only AFTER Team Biden pulled Garcetti from a surrogate appearance did he address these charges. So, BLM-LA is on the right track. Keeping the spotlight on Garcetti’s corruption and malfeasance could cause the Biden-Harris administration to distance themselves from him.

BLM-LA and the People’s City Council-LA have at least recognized that others have done the heavy lifting for years, and they are simply here to carry it home.


Only time will tell if their efforts will make headway. In the meantime, Californians experience yet another lockdown thanks to Governor Newsom, the homeless continue to flood the streets, and small business continues to be destroyed at the hands of this Mayor.

Hoisted by his own virtue-signaling petard. It couldn’t have happened to a not-very-nice guy.

Enjoying my popcorn and watching to see how this spectacle unfolds. It’s been long overdue.

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