MSNBC ‘Morning Joe’ co-host Mika Brzezinski delivered a message to President Trump on Wednesday’s show: “President Trump, not really giving voice to top scientists on the coronavirus, which is not getting better. It’s getting worse. Much worse. Testing is getting worse. They’re falling back in testing. The response time is now longer. You won’t be able to do contact tracing. More people are going to die. And again, I’ll speak slowly so you can understand this — this is a pandemic that could be mitigated. Other countries have successfully mitigated this pandemic by doing very simple techniques, nationalized responses to testing, social distancing, and masking, okay? And this president actually says that we are only in the process of developing a strategy when there could have been one months ago.”

Mika Brzezinski to Trump: “I’ll Speak Slowly So You Can Understand This,” Pandemic Could Have Been Mitigated | Video
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