We reported earlier about Project Veritas’ investigation into a ballot harvesting scandal in Minnesota with alleged connections to Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).
But that’s not the only place with accusations of Democratic ballot harvesting.
A legal case was just filed in Texas which alleges ballot harvesting going on in Harris County and that Democrats including the Texas Political Director for Joe Biden, Dallas Jones, are involved.
According to the affidavits filed by a retired Houston police captain, Mark Aguirre, and Charles Marler, a former FBI agent, they claim they have video evidence, documentary evidence and witnesses that there was illegal ballot harvesting going on. According to the affidavits, there was hoarding of “mail-in and absentee ballots” and having operatives fill them out for people illegally, “including dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents.” Both men are now private investigators.
Aguirre claimed ballot harvesters have been exploiting the elderly with the help of some nursing home staff.
I have in my possession video-taped interviews of witnesses attesting to the aforementioned people having groups of people completing thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, including completing ballots for deceased individuals; illegally going into nursing homes, with the complicity of the nursing home staff, and filling out and forging the signatures of nursing home residents; signing up homeless individuals to vote using the ballot harvester’s address then completing the ballot and forging the homeless individual’s signature.
Marler also alleged that that people in the County Clerk’s office were involved and that the former Harris County Clerk, Diane Troutman, rather than be involved and possibly face prosecution, that she resigned citing health reasons.
Two other men alleged to be involved, State Sen. Borris Miles and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, denied the accusations to the Texas Tribune. Miles claimed the allegations were “Republican opposition work.”
If there’s actual video evidence like what Project Veritas has or other evidence to support the allegations, this could further flag the ballot harvesting issue and be a real problem for Democrats.
HT: National File