National Guard Deployed to Protect White House as Violent Liberal Protests Rage On

5 mins read

D.C. National Guard troops were deployed in the nation’s capital Saturday evening as violent liberal protests continued for another day around the White House. Photos and video posted online show a convoy of several troop carriers driving from the East Capitol Street, SE, Armory located near RFK Stadium across town to the National Mall. Guard soldiers were seen in riot gear protecting the White House Saturday night at a security perimeter set on the far side of Lafayette Park from the White House. The perimeter was established earlier Saturday after the White House was put on lockdown several times Friday night as violent protesters trashed barricades on Pennsylvania Avenue right in front of the White House and attacked a Fox News crew.

Statement from the Commanding General:

The District of Columbia National Guard (DCNG) has been activated at the direction of the Secretary of the Army in response to a request for assistance from the U.S. Park Police to help maintain order during protests in the vicinity of the White House.

The DCNG, the Nation’s only Federal National Guard, reports to the President of the United States through the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army.

The DCNG is always ready to assist District and Federal agencies to protect human life and property. The DCNG is especially trained and equipped for this U.S. Park Police support mission and we proudly accept it.

– MG William J. Walker, Commanding General

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The standoff at the White House was tense just before the Guard troops arrived.

The deployment of the National Guard comes less than twenty-four hours after Secret Service and Park Police officers ended a violent protest in front of the White House at 3:22 a.m. with massive doses of pepper spray at the mob after bricks were thrown at police.

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