HUUUUGE! –> Sources inside Trump admin confirm CDC misreporting COVID data to inflate the numbers –

4 mins read

But you know, we’re not supposed to politicize COVID.

And yeah, we know it’s a ‘faceless, nameless source’ inside the Trump administration but CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post … you know, the legacy media, are more than happy to report entire stories based on the same sort of ‘source.’

So this is big:

Now, why would they want to inflate the numbers?


Keep in mind, this is the very data governors have been using to shut states down.

To limit freedoms.

Scary, right?

True story.

What she said.

Gotta love big gov.

We’re being sarcastic, FYI.

If the president really does want kids back in school he’s going to have to push back.


Ahem. *adjusts tinfoil hat*

What do we have here?



‘What HAPPENED to you?!’ Soledad O’Brien under FIRE for telling tweep who lost a family member to COVID to ‘go away’

‘They’re LYING to you’: Drew Holden just DECIMATES the media for misquoting Kayleigh McEnany on science and schools in damning thread

Fact: This is anti-Semitic AF! Blue-check’s tweet about Jewish people catering to the KKK is the DUMBEST thing you’ll read today

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