My RedState colleague Brad Slager reported Saturday on how Forbes Magazine was joining the Enemies List brigade by proclaiming to “the business world” that “Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie” and will respond accordingly if any of those businesses hire any former “Trump fabulists” like the ones they had listed in their article (Kayleigh McEnany, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, and others).
Not to be outdone, Stuart Stevens, who is listed on the Lincoln Project’s website as an advisor, predictably jumped on the bandwagon and posted this tweet noting what the LP’s plans were on that front to cancel former Trump administration officials from public life:
At @ProjectLincoln we are constructing a database of Trump officials & staff that will detail their roles in the Trump administration & track where they are now. No personal info, only professional. But they will be held accountable & not allowed to pretend they were not involved
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) January 9, 2021
Political writer/book author Ryan Girdusky saw Stevens’ tweet, and in response alleged that a founding member of the Lincoln Project “groomed young men” and “offered jobs” to them “in exchange for sex”:
Maybe I should start talking about one of the founding members of the Lincoln Project offering jobs to young men in exchange for sex… his wife is probably interested
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) January 9, 2021
The member followed me on twitter briefly and a few young men started sending me screenshots and telling what happened to them. Grooming is really disgusting and he was especially sloppy.
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) January 9, 2021
The “founding member of the Lincoln Project” Girdusky is referring to is John Weaver.
After Girdusky’s tweets – and Donald Trump Jr’s retweeting of some of them, it was like the floodgates opened as young men stepped forward to talk about their (alleged) creepy experiences with Weaver:
Whoa nelly
— Ann Coulter, Nazi Spinster (@lib_crusher) January 10, 2021
— Ann Coulter, Nazi Spinster (@lib_crusher) January 10, 2021
This Twitter user seemed to be vouching for the alleged victim referenced in the above tweet:
imagine not outing an actual predator just because you want views n clicks lol
I was around when my friend @JoshPri68522288 was getting harassed by john weaver and what happened to him isn’t fodder for e-clout bud.
— Alec (@swishyhair93) January 10, 2021
Another Twitter user also appeared to back up claims being made by others about Weaver’s alleged stalkerish behavior, claiming it was an “open secret” and that he was surprised it had not been reported on before:
John Weaver DM’ed and followed virtually every young gay on this site.
Even I was reached out to on an old account, but not sexually.
One of my friends has even shared with me that John Weaver raped him years ago.
It’s incredible how open of a secret this is but no reporting.
— French Laundry Reservation Booking (@PittsburghFella) January 10, 2021
I get how shitty and risky it is to call someone a rapist when you aren’t the victim personally and aren’t identifying the victim, but given the sheer number of his victims, I have no qualms.
— French Laundry Reservation Booking (@PittsburghFella) January 10, 2021
Investigative journalist Scott Steadman wrote about his alleged disturbing experiences with Weaver as well in this lengthy Twitter thread, where he included some screengrabs of DMs and pointed out that his alleged experiences with Weaver “paled in comparison” to others:
I don’t want to feed into Don Jr’s nonsense but I do want to tell a story.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) January 10, 2021
He offered me some sort of “joint venture” which I wasn’t interested in, so I didn’t respond to his calls.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) January 10, 2021
Though we continued to DM every once in a while, the situation left me feeling quite uncomfortable. I brushed it off as one tends to do.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) January 10, 2021
Of course, what he said to me pales in comparison to others with whom Weaver communicated and countless others who have experienced much worse from people in power.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) January 10, 2021
I don’t owe you guys anything but here.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) January 10, 2021
My DMs are open if you want to anonymously tell me your story. I hope people can still understand that some things aren’t about politics.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) January 10, 2021
One last point on this before I mute this thread because of hateful comments: Weaver was a top aide to Kasich’s Presidential campaign in 2016. If this behavior extends to that time period (it does), it can be used by anyone as compromising material. It can be dangerous.
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) January 10, 2021
As of this writing, none of the Usual Suspects from the Lincoln Project, who typically spend considerable amounts of time on Twitter, have commented publicly on the allegations:
People are coming forward to allege Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver is a sexual predator who has preyed on young men. What do @stuartpstevens, @TheRickWilson and @gtconway3d have to say about that? After all, they are very concerned with public morality and decency.
— Pedro L. Gonzalez (@emeriticus) January 10, 2021
Can we talk about how John Weaver, your partner at Lincoln Project, has been credibly accused by many young men of grooming & job offers, in exchange for sex?
— An Open Secret (@AnOpenSecret) January 10, 2021
Stay tuned.