Earlier in the year The Gateway Pundit launched a series of stories chronicling the ballot scandal in Oregon, in which untold scores of voters were seemingly switched from their party of choice to non-affiliated, effectively denying them the right to vote in the primary. As we head closer to the general election, we’re seeing more reports of various different examples of ballot “accidents” and “mishaps” from people in Oregon, including once instance where an elections official instructed the person to vote a second time.
Perusing the My Party Was Changed group that served as the central hub for the previous scandal, we see many members posting various accounts of what they are experiencing this time around (names have been redacted to prevent against retaliation from Governor Kate Brown):
In this first story, the person voted, then received a second ballot in the mail, was told to throw that one away, then received yet a third ballot, then was instructed by an elections official to “just vote again”, the whole while the Secretary Of State website shows that his vote hasn’t been counted yet.
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This woman here randomly received a ballot from the state she used to live in:
Someone, somehow, fraudulently changed this guy’s mother-in-law’s address:
This woman received what looks to be three different ballots; Two from California, and one from Multnomah County in Oregon, all to her address in Costa Mesa, California:
And of course the identity thieves are licking their chops over this, and they are using this as an opportunity to steal people’s information. Scarier, this could be political operatives looking to steal the information:
This couple was forwarded two sets of ballots that had originally been sent to their old California address, where they haven’t lived since 2004.
Larger version of the pictures:
Yet another one:
Then on the reverse, there are stories of people who never received a ballot:
Then there’s this guy, who reports he and his wife both received duplicates:
KPTV channel 12 made a post soliciting for people to come forward who have received multiple ballots. Here are some of the responses on that thread:
The Gateway Pundit is following up with many of these people.
The company line from the state officials will surely be “Oh these are just some rare mistakes. The extra ballots wouldn’t be counted even if someone filled them out.” So if there are this many mistakes that lead to the printing and sending of this many extra ballots, who’s to say more “mistakes” can’t happen further down the line? I guess it depends on who opens the envelopes, and if they “accidentally” place the ballot in the stack to be counted or in the stack to undergo scrutiny.