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(CNSNews.com) – At a rally in Johnstown, Pa., on Wednesday, President Donald Trump explained why he believes “suburban women” should support him for reelection.
“Okay, so they talk about the suburban woman. And somebody said, ‘I don’t know if the suburban woman likes you.’ I said, ‘Why?’” Trump said in his speech.
“They said, ‘They may not like the way you talk,’” he said.
“But suburban women, they should like me more than anybody here tonight because I ended the regulation that destroyed your neighborhood,” Trump said a moment later. “I ended the regulation that brought crime to the suburbs and you’re going to live the American dream. And that’s what you’re going to do.”
“So, can I ask you to do me a favor: Suburban women, will you please like me? Please. Please. I saved your damn neighborhood, okay?” Trump said.
“The other thing I don’t have that much time to be that nice,” Trump said.
Here is a transcript of the part of Trump’s speech where he asked for the support of suburban women:
President Donald Trump: “Okay, so they talk about the suburban woman. And somebody said, ‘I don’t know if the suburban woman likes you.’ I said, ‘Why?’ But we had this–I love you too.
“They said, ‘They may not like the way you talk.’ But I’m about law and order. I’m about having you safe. I’m about having your suburban communities. I don’t want to build low-income housing next to your house. Okay, if that’s okay? And I ended the regulation, the rule, that made the zoning so impossible that you had to destroy your communities. And then I hear the suburban woman.
“I think that the suburban woman, and I used to say suburban housewife, I used to take heat, but I said, ‘Does anybody care?’ Do you care? If I say suburban? No, they’re all going to no. Again, the only one cares is them. ‘Trump said suburban housewife,’ but I didn’t say it because I don’t. You learn very quickly. You learn very quickly. But suburban women, they should like me more than anybody here tonight because I ended the regulation that destroyed your neighborhood. I ended the regulation that brought crime to the suburbs and you’re going to live the American dream. And that’s what you’re going to do.
“And remember this, 29 percent of the people experiencing the American dream in the suburbs happened to be minority. And you don’t know that. But 29 percent. and we’re doing this for everybody. We’re not doing it one way or the other. We’re doing it. And I ended it. They said, ‘Sir, we can amend it.’ I said, I don’t want to amend it. I want to end it.’ It was a horror show. And this loser, Cory Booker is the guy that’s going to be in charge of the program. The guy’s a stone-cold loser. 1 percent, he got 1 percent. He ran. He was going to be great. You know, 1 percent. every week he was like her, down, down, down. They should’ve picked him. But, no, he’ll be in charge of you’re a suburban …
“So, can I ask you to do me a favor: Suburban women, will you please like me? Please. Please. I saved your damn neighborhood, okay?
“The other thing I don’t have that much time to be that nice. You know, I can do it, but I got to go quickly. We don’t have time. They want me to be politically correct. Yes, let’s discuss it. Let’s talk about it over the next 10 years. No, no, no, no. We saved suburbia in the U.S. I got rid of a regulation that was a disaster. And it was very unfair. And you’ve been reading about it for a long time. It’s been going on for a long time. It became much worse under Obama and Biden. I got rid of it. And I had a choice. Even my own people said, ‘You’d never get rid of it, sir.’ I said, ‘I want to get rid of it.’ ‘Well, why don’t we just amend it?’ I said, ‘I don’t want to amend it. I want to get rid of it. Get rid of it. Okay?’
“And I think we’re going to see that the women really like Trump a lot.”