Reality checks trip up Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s attempt to tie Trump to thwarted plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer –

3 mins read

Today the FBI announced that it has thwarted a plot directed against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer:

Thankfully the plot was thwarted, but even though many additional facts are unknown right now, Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib didn’t waste any time in trying to point to a possible accomplice:

Trump’s tweet was in reference to re-opening Michigan, but Tlaib probably knows that.

Independent conservative journalist Jeryl Bier added some facts and context to Tlaib’s tweet:

Tlaib has no additional information but she won’t let that stop her.

Trump did a series of “liberate” tweets like the Michigan one:

Lefties like Tlaib were likely silent when the rhetoric is coming from their own side:

Robby Starbuck added these tweets about one of the suspects:

But for some reason we’re guessing that there’s very little reality that will cause Rep. Tlaib to change her narrative.

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