BIDEN IS IN TROUBLE: China Joe Is Heading to Nevada to Shore Up Support

2 mins read

This is how you know you are being lied to and the polls are garbage.

The latest FOX News polls, that have a history of being wildly inaccurate and oversampling Democrats, shows Joe Biden up 11 points in Nevada.

TRENDING: VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: VP Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris — With Pelosi Biographer Susan Page as Moderator — Live-Stream RSBN Video

So why is China Joe traveling to Nevada? 11 points is a shoo-in, right?

It’s because, once again, the biased polls are garbage.

As Wayne Allyn Root says, Basement Biden coming to Vegas on Friday. Why? If Dems have Nevada locked down, NO WAY he’d be here so late in game. Nevada must be very much “in play.” And if Nevada is in play, then Biden is in trouble everywhere. Polls are BS fake news.

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