Baltimore’s next mayor can’t handle the truth

2 mins read

Brandon Scott will be the next in a long line of Democrats to run the city of Baltimore. He won the Democratic primary, and Baltimore is essentially a one party town.

Like many big cities run by Democrats, Baltimore is plagued by violent crime. In Baltimore, this plague is the direct result of its politicians’ unwillingness to support the police following the accidental death of Freddy Gray.

In last week’s debate, President Trump, noting the obvious, listed Baltimore as one of the cites run by Democrats where violent crime is out of control. Baltimore deserves to be at or near the top of the list for the reason I just noted.

Brandon Scott isn’t yet strongly implicated in Baltimore’s scandalous inability to protect its citizens from violence. Yet, he didn’t want to hear Trump talk about that failure. He can’t handle the truth.

Thus, he responded to Trump’s calling out of Baltimore with this tweet:

@POTUS @realDonaldTrump unless you are bringing resources and addressing economic, racial, and environmental injustices in my city.


Forget the presumptuousness of a hack local politician trying to tell the U.S. President (or any American citizen) what he can’t say. The real problem with Scott’s moronic statement is that it tries to absolve Baltimore’s criminals and its leaders from responsibility for the city’s crime wave. “Economic, racial, and environmental injustices” are to blame, not bad people and bad policies.

Baltimore is no more “unjust” now than it was before its murder rate soared half a decade ago. What has changed is that Baltimore is less policed than it was back then. And that’s thanks to the policies and pronouncement of its pathetic Democrat mayors and other leading pols.

It seems clear that Brandon Scott will continue in their tradition. Thus, it seems equally clear that Baltimore will remain exhibit A when informed people talk about the breakdown in law and order under the watch (if you can call it that) of Democratic mayors.

Via Jazz Shaw.

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