The George Floyd documentary | Power Line

3 mins read

Minnesota became the center of the universe in connection with the death of George Floyd on May 25. The death of Mr. Floyd and the leftist lawlessness that permeates the Twin Cities combined to produce the sorriest year in the state’s history. Governor Walz’s rule by edict since March 25 has compounded it.

John and I have both noted former prosecutor George Parry’s contrarian take on the death of Mr. Floyd in “Who Killed George Floyd?” and in “Chauvin, Lane, Kueng, and Thao: The George Floyd Fall Guys” at the American Spectator and also at his Knowledge Is Good site. In the prefatory note that accompanied the second column as posted at KIG, he wrote: “Floyd’s fentanyl intoxication combined with his severe coronary artery disease, extreme agitation and other factors placed him at imminent risk of sudden death from cardiac arrhythmia. In many ways, this is an even more likely explanation for his death than an overdose. Either way, the police did not harm or kill him.”

In August, by the way, Governor Walz publicly declared for the umpteenth time that “George Floyd was murdered in front of the world.” Having assigned the prosecution of the officers to former Nation of Islam race hustler Keith Ellison, Walz has long since abandoned any concern for a fair trial and compounded the tragedy with disgrace. Walz himself done his share to contribute to the mob atmosphere of the case against the four officers.

Mr. Parry has now cooperated in the production of the 24-minute documentary below on Floyd’s death. He explains:

The documentary has been completed and a password-protected version is being circulated to many media outlets and notables in preparation for its release. Ultimately it will be accessible through a website that the producers are setting up. But, last night, a party unknown posted the documentary on YouTube. So far it has not disappeared down the YouTube memory hole for violating “community standards” or whatever other Orwellian reason the Google grandees may invent….

The documentary runs 2[4] minutes and parts of it are hard to watch. So heed the warning to viewers in the documentary and proceed accordingly.

If the video is removed from YouTube, check back at Knowledge Is Good for updated information.

The documentary raises the question of fact: what killed George Floyd? We don’t have all the evidence that will be introduced at trial. For the time being, the documentary may serve as a counterweight to the mob atmosphere enveloping the case. It should open a few minds to the possibility that the case is more complicated than it appeared the week of May 25.

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