Republicans Officially Ask Supreme Court to Halt Mail-In Voting Extension in Pennsylvania #StopTheSteal

3 mins read

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled on several issues to ensure a Democrat Party win in November.
The rulings from two weeks ago include:

** The Green Party candidate was struck from the ballot
** Ballots will be accepted UP TO THREE DAYS after the election until November 9th
** Poll workers must serve voters in the county where they live — this protects far left districts where fraud is most likely to occur.

Last Friday Republicans announced they were planning on asking the US Supreme Court to halt the mail-in voting extension in Pennsylvania.

This is the first major test for the court since Ruth Bader Ginsburg died.

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On Monday, top officials from Pennsylvania’s Republican-held legislature asked the Supreme Court to review a court ruling that extended the due date for mail-in ballots.

“In the middle of an ongoing election, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has altered the rules of the election and extended the 2020 General Election beyond the ‘Time’ established by the state legislature,” the GOP wrote. “In doing so, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has violated federal law and the federal Constitution.”

The Hill reported:

Republicans on Monday asked the Supreme Court to halt a major Pennsylvania state court ruling that extended the due date for mail ballots in the key battleground, teeing up the first test for the high court since the death of its liberal leader Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The filing comes after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled against the GOP in an election lawsuit that could help shape the race between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the Keystone State, which the president won by just over 44,000 votes in 2016.

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