An individual raises a fist near a fire during a riot outside the White House after the death of George Floyd. (Photo credit: SAMUEL CORUM/AFP via Getty Images)
Conservative commentator Mark Levin claimed that the current political climate “feels like 1860 all over again,” in a reference to pre-Civil War America, on “The Mark Levin Show,” Thursday.
Levin discussed a Washington Examiner article that details a conversation between Democrat activists in a group called “Patriotic Millionaires,” in which they describe their strategy for resisting a SCOTUS nominee, wanting to make “this an unbelievably painful process for Senate Republicans” and “kicking the f*** out of” less confrontational Democrat senators.
Levin then pointed out that the current political climate is similar to the one which existed in antebellum America, saying:
“So it’s one party, one ideology, whether its going after Kavanaugh, whoever the Trump nominee is, trying to destroy the Supreme Court, destroy the Senate, destroy the legislative process, destroy our major cities, destroy law enforcement. This is all the Democrat Party, all of it. It feels like 1860 all over again when you read your history.”
“If you don’t think these rioters, these organizations, these millionaires and billionaires on the left aren’t coordinating with elected Democrats, then you’re smoking something.”
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Below is a transcript of this portion of the show:
“You heard me talk about the wargaming of the Democrats, who have no intention of peacefully transitioning and accepting a Donald Trump victory. And they don’t believe they’re leaving anything to chance. They are in courtrooms in the battleground states, they are using the Democrat governors in these battleground states, they are changing election dates, ballot requirements, signature requirements, matching signature requirements, postmarks all at the 11th hour and all of which assist the Democrats and Joe Biden, and I have been insisting and arguing that the Republican state legislatures in these states — and most of these battleground states actually have Republican legislatures, both chambers — need to pass resolutions pointing out that this is not the law. And that law is what the law is as was passed by the legislature under Article II of the federal Constitution. And they need to do this quickly.
And so you can see the mayhem that is being created. You can see the mayhem that’s been going on in the streets with the rioting. You can see the mayhem that’s being threatened by the Democrat Party, and now we have more evidence of this in a piece that just broke in the Washington Examiner, by Quin Hillyer. I want you to listen to this. Just broke: “Leftist Group Plans a Massively Nasty Campaign Against Trump’s Nominee.” So it’s one party, one ideology, whether its going after Kavanaugh, whoever the Trump nominee is, trying to destroy the Supreme Court, destroy the Senate, destroy the legislative process, destroy our major cities, destroy law enforcement. This is all the Democrat Party, all of it. It feels like 1860 all over again when you read your history.
Here you go: “On an late Thursday afternoon conference call,” that would be today, “of the left-wing group ‘Patriotic Millionaires,’ group president Erica Payne urged activists to work against a coming Trump Supreme Court nominee by ‘mak[ing] this an unbelievably painful process for Senate Republicans’ and ‘kicking the f*** out of’ Democratic senators who won’t fight hard enough. Saying that Democrats are showing such weakness as to be utter” BS, “Payne acknowledged that the nominee almost certainly will be confirmed but, ‘the question is whether we can extract any flesh and bone in the process.’ Payne then turned the call over to Adam Jentleson,” J-E-N-T-L-E-S-O-N, “who served as deputy chief of staff to Democratic former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada –”
If you don’t think these rioters, these organizations, these millionaires and billionaires on the left aren’t coordinating with elected Democrats, then you’re smoking something. “So that Jentleson could explain the strategy and tactics the group is urging Democratic senators to adopt. The strategy, outlined in a letter the group plans to send to all Democratic senators, would involve gumming up the Senate works in several ways in order to cause ‘a massive headache’ for Republican senators who want to be in their home states campaigning for reelection.” You know, what is sad is there aren’t enough patriots in this country to rise up and defeat these bastards by a massive landslide. “Specifically,” they want “to block the Senate from adjourning next Tuesday, repeatedly demand quorum calls that will force at least 55 [51 in article] Republicans to be in the Senate chamber to conduct business, and, in the Senate Judiciary Committee, completely boycott all hearings related to the coming nomination.” So these “patriotic millionaires” — oh, men of the people, women of the people, don’t you know — they now are going to control the United States Senate, control the Democrat Party, control the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Alexander Watson is a CNSNews intern and Christendom College graduate.