Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s press secretary staunchly refused to answer questions about his candidate – despite being repeatedly asked to simply respond, “yes or no.”
Biden Press Sec. T.J. Ducklo ducked the “yes or no” questions in an appearance on the Thursday edition of Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” MRC’s NewsBusters explains:
FNC’s Special Report anchor Bret Baier conducted a master’s class Thursday night in interviewing Biden campaign national press secretary T.J. Ducklo.
How did Baier do it? Unlike CNN and MSNBC, Baier asked basic questions that sent Ducklo into repeated tailspins, accusing Baier of being a stooge for President Trump.
“Yes or no,” Baier repeatedly asked Ducklo when he stubbornly refused to answer three straightforward questions:
1. Was Joe Biden “for closing down travel from China when the president did it?”
2. “Was Dr. Fauci wrong?” when he said he “didn’t really see any discrepancies” between what he told doctors privately and what he told the public regarding the coronavirus?
3. “Has Joe Biden ever used a teleprompter during local interviews or to answer Q&A with supporters?
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Despite being repeatedly asked to answer “yes or no” and refute the Trump campaign’s claims, Ducklo refused to answer, resorting to Biden campaign talking points and, at one point, accuses Fox News of “working overtime to try to find excuses for this president.”
Each time, Baier would eventually give up, note that Ducklo had refused to answer the question, and move on to the next question.
Read full NewsBusters report here.