Ian Langsdon / AFP via Getty ImagesPresident Donald Trump greets a veteran during a French-U.S. ceremony at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer, France, on June 6, 2019, as part of D-Day commemorations marking the 75th anniversary of the World War II Allied landings in Normandy. (Ian Langsdon / AFP via Getty Images)
The leftist media scrounges for any opportunity to assassinate the character of President Donald Trump. And having a multitude of “anonymous sources” consistently confirming their anti-Trump bias makes for some suspiciously convenient ammo.
On Sept. 3, The Atlantic published the supposed testimonies of multiple Trump insiders who allege the president called slain American soldiers “losers” and “suckers” and that he wouldn’t visit a memorial honoring them because of his hair.
Does this look like a president who calls our soldiers “losers”?
I love this video! pic.twitter.com/pxfccTv1mn
— JT Lewis (@thejtlewis) September 8, 2020
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In 2017, ABC News reported that Trump “retriev[ed] a Marine’s hat that was blown off the service member’s head as he guard[ed] Marine One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where the president arrived … on Air Force One after attending the G-20 summit in Germany.”
Not only did Trump chase down his hat; he attempted to do so twice. This is not the behavior of someone who lacks respect for our military service members.
But the magazine made it clear to us what kind of evidence outweighs the respect and honor we see Trump display for the marine:
“These sources, and others quoted in this article, spoke on condition of anonymity.”
Mind you, these are the only sources The Atlantic used for the entire basis of the article’s headlining allegation.
The White House had canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in 2018 — a memorial located in France dedicated to American soldiers who died fighting in Belleau Wood and the Marne Valley during World War I.
Trump tweeted that it was due to the hazardous weather conditions they couldn’t fly and that the Secret Service advised them not to drive.
By the way, when the helicopter couldn’t fly to the first cemetery in France because of almost zero visibility, I suggested driving. Secret Service said NO, too far from airport & big Paris shutdown. Speech next day at American Cemetery in pouring rain! Little reported-Fake News!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2018
But thanks to The Atlantic’s four anonymous sources who had “firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day,” we now know the truth:
“Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead.”
Some of these anons were allegedly Trump’s own senior staff members, claiming the president asked, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”
Has President Trump proven himself as someone who honors and respects our military?
They claim he also “referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as ‘suckers’ for getting killed.”
Without any further verification, we’re supposed to take the accusations of these faceless anons as gospel?
The Atlantic’s hit piece is not only baseless, but the notion that the president has no honor or respect for the military is obliterated by his countless actions proving otherwise.
Trump also responded last Friday on Twitter to these nonsensical critiques against him:
….John a loser and swear on whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on, that I never called our great fallen soldiers anything other than HEROES. This is more made up Fake News given by disgusting & jealous failures in a disgraceful attempt to influence the 2020 Election!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2020
Others came to Trump’s defense, including high-ranking officials.
I’d like to ask The Atlantic: Why are you using your magazine to tarnish the character of a man — particularly the president — based solely on anonymous sources? Even in the face of all the counter-evidence of his very own words and actions?
You claim to “know great storytelling is part of great journalism. But honest reporting and analysis, and the integrity they represent, are what matter most to us, even if their pursuit requires giving up on an alluring narrative.”
Have you forgotten?
The monstrous caricature of Trump continually painted by the establishment media — and particularly The Atlantic — contradicts the president we see with our own eyes and ears, who loves and serves America and does nothing but honor and respect those who protect it.
We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.