President Trump Gets HUGE Bump from RNC – Polling Shows President Trump Is Way Up in Polls

2 mins read

(The President with his grandson)

Today’s polling shows President Trump is way ahead in national polling, in electoral college polling and in state polling. The President received a huge bump after this week’s RNC and the Democrats are in a panic.

The President is up in the national vote:

TRENDING: SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses

The President is way ahead in the electoral college vote:

The President is up in all the battleground states:

More on battleground states:

The President got a major bounce in the black vote:

Unfortunate for the Democrats Joe Biden must debate Trump but he loses if he does debate Trump:

The Democrats are in a panic:

The Democrats are in a panic. They created the riots. They own the riots. Their candidate is Joe Biden.

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