This morning, Bulwark publisher and founder of Republican Voters Against Trump Sarah Longwell shared some of her thoughts on Joe Biden’s DNC speech:
Obviously Joe Biden is not a political conservative. And yet, last night’s speech—with its emphasis on flag, family, faith, and character—was more thematically conservative than any speech I’ve ever heard Trump give.
— Sarah Longwell (@SarahLongwell25) August 21, 2020
Longwell’s clearly got the NeverTrump cred. But she made a fatal mistake.
And Soledad O’Brien wasn’t about to let it slide:
Flag, faith, family, and character are not “conservative values”. What is wrong with you? What kind of a terrible person says this? Do you not know any people of color who over-index in serving their nation? Have you met no Black evangelicals?
Re-examine your life choices, lady
— Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) August 21, 2020
Character is not a conservative value. Not is it a ‘conservative theme’
— Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) August 21, 2020
Did Longwell say it was?
Maybe you @soledadobrien should re-examine some life choices before disparaging people you clearly don’t know or know anything about. My friend @SarahLongwell25 has done more to counter Trump & Trumpism than most anyone. She also doesn’t take herself too seriously, unlike others.
— Carrie Cordero (@carriecordero) August 21, 2020
Character is not a conservative value.
Stop framing it that way.— Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) August 21, 2020
No, Soledad. You stop.
Off base here.
— Casasulcanale (@casasulcanale) August 21, 2020
She made a very clear distinction between political conservatism and thematic conservatism. Many Democrats identify as conservatives! It’s not a dirty word.
— Aubrey Gilleran (@AubreyGilleran) August 21, 2020
That was an uncalled for attack on @SarahLongwell25. While I am sure that she can defend herself, I interpreted her tweet differently. She was saying those are usually the tropes of the conservative political rhetoric.
PS I am left-center dem.— ElizabethDerrico (@elizabeth627) August 21, 2020
Character is definitely not one of Soledad O’Brien’s values. That’s for damn sure.
This response is totally out of proportion to, and a misreading of, my comment.
— Sarah Longwell (@SarahLongwell25) August 21, 2020
This is a very intense attack for a comment meant to compliment Biden and draw contrast between the cynical way Trump employs these themes and Biden’s sincerity. I said “thematically conservative,” meaning themes often emphasized by conservatives that they try to own culturally.
— Sarah Longwell (@SarahLongwell25) August 21, 2020
Doesn’t matter. Soledad O’Brien isn’t one to back down from an intellectually dishonest fight she started.
The worst verified account on twitter strikes again, this time smearing Sarah Longwell. Anyone who doesn’t already have her blocked, your Soledad Strike is coming at some point.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) August 21, 2020
Soledad’s on the warpath. Guess that’s what happens when you’ve got nothing better to do with your life than try to make others miserable.
“rE-eXaMiNe yOuR LiFE cHoIcES” she wrote as she leveraged her massive-follower account to launch a bad-faith attack against someone working toward the same goal as her
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) August 21, 2020
Using the quote tweet function to misrepresent a person’s comments, attack them, and thus sic angry mobs on them is the harrassing behavior for which block exists.
— Tim Carney (@TPCarney) August 21, 2020
Don’t leverage your high follower account to pick a new person’s day to ruin every day. It’s a terrible way to live.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) August 21, 2020
We’re in middle of a pandemic during an incredibly angry election. People are isolated. Show some grace.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) August 21, 2020
That’s good advice.
Notice who made a non-racial point into a racial one, then called the *other* person “terrible” and in need of new life choices. Sad to see someone this broken.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 21, 2020
Broken beyond repair.
Unfortunately, for NeverTrump in its current form, Soledad O’Brien’s ire may just be a sign of what’s to come:
This is a great example of what’s in store for the Bulwark/Lincoln Proj conservatives if Biden wins.
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) August 21, 2020