Among those most elated by the news on Tuesday that Joe Biden tapped Kamala Harris as his vice presidential running mate were the denizens of America’s bastion of liberal groupthink, Hollywood.
So how excited were they? Actress Kerry Washington summed up Hollywood’s euphoria in three words:
Yes We Kam!
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) August 11, 2020
Cute. Then Washington said this:
“Overwhelmed by this historic moment. Kamala Harris is the first Black woman and first Asian-American/Indian to be a VP nominee of major party. My heart is soaring for all the kids out there who see themselves in her and will dream bigger because of this.”
Overwhelmed by this historic moment. @KamalaHarris is the first Black woman & first Asian-American/Indian to be a VP nominee of major party. My heart is soaring for all the kids out there who see themselves in her and will dream bigger because of this. #KamalaHarrisForVP
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) August 11, 2020
Asian-American/Indian? Confused? Here’s the deal:
As reported by CNN in a Tuesday article titled “Kamala Harris’ Indian Roots and Why They Matter,” those of us who were unaware of Harris’s family background learned that her late mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was born in India and emigrated to America.
Hence, since India is in South Asia, Washington went with “(Black) Asian-American/Indian” for the trifecta — given that liberals love to check off as many minority boxes as they possibly can.
No word if the 1/1,064th Native American who also sought the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination was confused by Washington’s description of Harris’s “Indian” ancestry.
Anyway, as happy as Washington was, Viola Davis appeared to be even happier, given that Biden tapped Harris on the actress’s birthday.
“Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!! Happy birthday dear Viola!!! I am strapped up!!!”
I assume “strapped up” is a good thing.
“The Office” actress Mindy Kaling was also beside herself, tweeting:
“Was there ever more of an exciting day? For our entire country of course, but especially for my Black and Indian sisters, many of us who have gone our entire lives thinking that someone who looks like us may never hold high office?
“We work so hard and contribute to the fabric of our lives in America, & now to see @SenKamalaHarris rise to the top like this? It’s thrilling!! I am filled with hope and excitement. Thank you @JoeBiden. Let’s do this!”
(1/2) Was there ever more of an exciting day? For our entire country of course, but especially for my Black and Indian sisters, many of us who have gone our entire lives thinking that someone who looks like us may never hold high office? We work so hard and contribute to the pic.twitter.com/LpG0DvsGuT
— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) August 11, 2020
(2/2) fabric of our lives in America, & now to see @SenKamalaHarris rise to the top like this? It’s thrilling!! I am filled with hope and excitement. Thank you @JoeBiden. Let’s do this! @meenaharris @mayaharris_ @RohiniKos #sisterhood #letsdothis #bidenharris2020
— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) August 11, 2020
Singer-songwriter Pink was so overwhelmed by Harris’s selection, she cried “real actual tears of joy.”
Real actual tears of joy over here in the Hart household https://t.co/FuwDcuWOte
— P!nk (@Pink) August 11, 2020
Veteran actress Rita Moreno was pretty sure Harris will “undoubtedly chew and spit out any male OR female who takes her on.”
The bells are tolling! So proud and so excited at Kamala Harris’s naming by our future president, Joe Biden!
She will undoubtedly chew and spit out any male OR female who takes her on.
Well done, VP Biden!!
Love and kisses,
Rita Moreno, newly joyous Puerto Rican 🌹💐❤️☝🏽👍🏾— Rita Moreno (@TheRitaMoreno) August 11, 2020
Pretend-comedian Amy Schumer warned that the “ignorant” among us have already launched “sexist and racist” attacks against Harris.
The sexist and racist political attacks on @KamalaHarris have already begun. Let’s demand that the media keep these ignorant, bad-faith attacks out of their 2020 election coverage.
Let her know: #WeHaveHerBack
The sexist and racist political attacks on @KamalaHarris have already begun. Let’s demand that the media keep these ignorant, bad-faith attacks out of their 2020 election coverage. Let her know: #WeHaveHerBack https://t.co/J7jS49Dduf
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) August 11, 2020
Apparently Schumer “forgot” about the Left’s despicable sexist treatment of Sarah Palin in 2008 after she was selected by John McCain as his vice presidential running mate. One “highlight” was David Letterman’s inexcusable “joke.”
“One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”
Palin’s daughter Willow was 14-years-old at the time.
Speaking of Palin, she congratulated Harris in an Instagram post Tuesday, and offered a few words of advice — based on her own experiences in 2008.
“Congrats to the democrat [sic] VP pick,” she said. “Climb upon Geraldine Ferraro’s and my shoulders, and from the most amazing view in your life consider lessons we learned.”
And lesson #1? “Out of the chute,” trust no one new.”
View this post on Instagram
Congrats to the democrat VP pick 🇺🇸 Climb upon Geraldine Ferraro’s and my shoulders, and from the most amazing view in your life consider lessons we learned: 1) out of the chute trust no one new; 2) fight mightily to keep your own team with you – they know you, know your voice, and most importantly are trustworthy; 3) don’t get muzzled – connect with media and voters in your own unique way. Some yahoos running campaigns will suffocate you with their own self-centered agenda so remember YOU were chosen for who YOU are. So stay connected with America as you smile and ignore deceptive “handlers” trying to change you; 4) some fun terms you may learn: “OTR” – an orchestrated campaign stop that’s meant to look un-orchestrated where you “normalize” in front of voters. (I’d remembered not packing my running shoes, they turned it into a whole campaign stop with media detailing my every move trying on shoes.) OTR’s get bizarre (try eating in front of vultures looking for the “gotcha” shot!) but my team made OTR’s the second most fun thing! “Ropeline”: thee MOST fun thing! Every single handshake and holler and hug and smile melted my heart, energized my soul, and gave me the utmost hope in the greatest country on earth! The ropeline is often the only way to literally touch those whom you wish to serve, so be sincere in looking in their eyes, understanding why they’re there, never forgetting they represent the innumerable Americans putting their trust in you to serve for the right reasons. It’s who and what they represent that is all that matters! 5) don’t forget the women who came before you; 6) have fun! This IS the greatest country in the world and hopefully you’ll be blessed beyond belief, like I was, with meeting new people from all walks of life and see just how great it is! 🇺🇸 more to come… including one of the funniest things in my life, right before my debate with Sen. Joe Biden… stay tuned! – Sarah Palin
Finally, former NFL player turned film producer Matthew A. Cherry tweeted “Maya Rudolph walking into SNL contract negotiations,” a reference to the comedian’s portray of Harris on Saturday Night Live.
Maya Rudolph walking into SNL contract negotiations pic.twitter.com/zXmkQf0bgY
— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) August 11, 2020
Speaking of Maya Rudolph, my RedState colleague Becca Lower on Tuesday reported about the comedian’s “delightful” reaction to the news that Harris was Biden’s choice.
The bottom line:
Chances are, given that you’re reading this, you couldn’t care less what Hollywood thinks about Kamala Harris or anything else. Me, neither. These two tweets perfectly sum up my feelings about the whole thing.
A perfect match for Hollywood:
They all play make believe for a living and if removed from society, America would be better for it.
— 💥GVB 💥 Biden & his supporters are POS racists (@GhostofVinnie) August 11, 2020
Hollywood is full of brain dead zombies. pic.twitter.com/0Y2jsPsTQd
— Mike the masked TP bandit 🇺🇸 (@LibertateaPirat) August 11, 2020
Still, you gotta admit; a quick trip to Planet Looney Tunes every once in a while is good for the soul — not to mention a reminder that life in the land of the Deplorables is just fine for the sane among us.
H/T ~ Twitchy