If you’re one of the many Americans who’ve had a sneaking suspicion that the unprecedented, all-out, go-for-broke gaslighting on COVID-19 we’ve been subjected to may be motivated as much by good old fashioned greed as a desire to give Trump a handicap to counterbalance the hurdle Joe Biden faces historically preventing those in the advanced stages of senile dementia from becoming president, it looks like you may deserve a cookie.
8 of the lucky buggers are being enriched by pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences, makers of the drug remdesivir.
If that name rings a bell it may be because Anthony Fauci has coincidentally made some very favorable remarks touting its effectiveness against the virus he’s made it his life’s work to keep everyone living in mortal terror of even though, according to all the actual data, it’s median fatality age is 80 and its basically harmless unless your old or already seriously ill.
At the end of April, Fauci touted remdesivir in an interview with NBC News:
The data shows that remdesivir has a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery,
It’s a wonder he didn’t finish with, “Ask for it by name.”
Whether or not Fauci himself has any financial stake in Gilead or any other COVID-19 cure he’s touting is something we don’t know. As unbelievable as it sounds, Fauci hasn’t been forced to disclose if any Pharmaceutical giants are lining his pockets.
Nor does it appear that he’s voluntarily done so.
Wonder why that is?
The fact that Gilead is cutting checks to 8 members of the panel his organization put in charge of formulating COVID-19 treatment guidelines does, by itself, however, cast a suspicious light on the way Fauci winds up sounding like Ronald McDonald shilling for Big Macs when discussing remdesivir.
It also enough to suggest an explanation for his efforts in the other direction to throw shade at the much cheaper drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which seem to include allowing thousands of Americans to die.
If that surprises you, then you haven’t been following Dr. Fauci’s fabulous career in the federal bureaucracy.
Back before he supplanted Bill Nye as the left’s go-to science guy, Fauci was vilified by AIDS activists in the harshest possible terms for helping to block the use of cheap and effective drugs that could have saved thousands of lives. He also spent tens of billions of taxpayer dollars he’d squeezed out of congress by wildly exaggerating the threat the AIDS virus posed to spend on his 40-year fruitless search for an AIDS vaccine.
But the deja vu is just getting started.
And, if you’ve any doubt about whether those AIDS activists were right to blame Fauci for killing thousands of Americans, here’s what the man himself had to say about it:
The gay groups said we were killing people with red tape. When the smoke cleared we realized that much of their criticism was absolutely valid.”
It must be nice being a high muckety muck in the federal bureaucracy. Resigning in disgrace or even a simple apology is never necessary regardless of how disastrous your incompetence and/or corruption proves.
Even if you wind up killing thousands, you just eventually admit that the crowds cursing your very existence for the overwhelming stench of death that attached to your person might have a point. Then, if you can just resist the temptation to pile on any more bodies for a little while, voilà, like magic, the whole sorry episode becomes a résumé enhancer.
Before you know it, you’ll have the chance to cause mayhem on an even grander scale when the next new virus rolls around.
As Steven Hatfill wrote last week in a shocking report on how Fauci’s history of strangling people with red tape has repeated itself with his push to promote remdesivir over HCQ:
Fauci continued to ignore the ever accumulating and remarkable early-use data on hydroxychloroquine and he became focused on a new antiviral compound named remdesivir. This was an experimental drug that had to be given intravenously every day for five days. It was never suitable for major widespread outpatient or at-home use as part of a national pandemic plan. We now know now that remdesivir has no effect on overall COVID patient mortality and it costs thousands of dollars per patient.
There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID infections. There are 14 global studies that show neutral or negative results — and 10 of them were of patients in very late stages of COVID-19, where no antiviral drug can be expected to have much effect. Of the remaining four studies, two come from the same University of Minnesota author. The other two are from the faulty Brazil paper, which should be retracted, and the fake Lancet paper [widely used by the media to falsely discredit , which was.
Incidentally, if the name of the author of the RealClearPolitics expose’ on Fauci’s shameful efforts stifle hydroxychloroquine sounds familiar, that’s because it is was in the news quite a bit in between 2001 and 2006.
Stephen Hatfill happens to be the U.S. Army biodefense researcher Robert Mueller spent seven years relentlessly trying to pin the infamous 2001 Anthrax attacks on while completely ignoring paying any the real culprit until he killed himself after Mueller finally gave up the project of destroying an innocent man’s life and took notice of him.
But Fauci’s troublesome shilling for remdesivir that Hatfill outlines is suspicious for other reasons than the checks members of the NIH’s COVID-19 Treatment Advisory Panel are getting from the firm that makes it.
also relates that:Nor is remdesivir the only treatment Fauci is promoting that a firm to which members of his own agency’s treatment advisory group have financial ties.
Two other members of the group list pharmaceutical giant Merck on the NIH disclosure form that Fauci somehow isn’t required to fill out.
And, in another echo of Fauci’s spectacular job at killing people by blocking the treatment of cheap and effective cures for AIDS as he searches for a vaccine that will certainly net some people whom for all we know might very well include him a lot more money:
Merck is currently conducting clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine. Merck’s target date for a licensed COVID-19 vaccine is early 2021, according to recent congressional testimony.
If you try to research whether Fauci has any financial stake in any of drugs or treatments you’ll find articles “fact-checking” the claim that he does like the one at USA Today claiming that:
The National Institutes of Health confirmed that Fauci… does not own stock in any biomedical or pharmaceutical companies.
Owning financial assets in pharmaceutical firms like Gilead would also be required to be publicly disclosed per the agency’s ethics policy.
The NIH also requires all employees to report any royalties they earn from their research patents. In fact, it appears they instituted the requirement because in 2005, John Solomon reported that Fauci had received “45,072.82 for an experimental AIDS treatment” while spending “$36 million in taxpayer money testing the treatment on patients in one experiment alone” without informing the patients of his financial stake.
Fauci claimed that “originally refused to take the royalties but was told he legally had to accept them” but that in the future he would I’m going to “give every penny of it to charity … no matter what the yearly amount is.”
Sounds noble till you start to wonder why he only made that promise after being exposed.
And though the sites fact-checking claims that Fauci might be benefiting from some of the cures he’s promoted always conclude that there’s no evidence he is, given that he’s only been forced to disclose outright ownership of financial assets or money he’s making from patents, there also isn’t any evidence that no firm he’s not making money from a firm he’s enriching in some other way.
A couple of liberal watchdog groups are demanding that Fauci be forced to fully disclose and financial ties he has just like the members of the COVID Treatment-Advisory Panel must.
And for once it must be said that some liberal watchdog groups have a point.
The mere fact that Fauci hasn’t voluntarily surrendered the information is reason enough to be suspicious.
And the financial ties people his own agency have to firms that produce treatements Fauci seems to be doing everything in his power to promote even going so far as handicapping any deserving competitors even when it kills people is a another of the many reasons that someone in authority ought to be looking into why exactly Anthony Fauci has spent the last five months gaslighting the nation into a completely unjustified panic.
This also might shed some light on Fauci’s extraordinary efforts to tarnish the reputation