Local Press Runs Interference on Voter Fraud (cont.) [Updated]

4 mins read

I wrote here about the fact that, in the wake of Project Veritas’s revelations, Minnesota’s dominant newspaper, the Star Tribune, is running interference for Ilhan Omar and for Democratic Party officials who have enabled voter fraud. After the first Veritas video appeared, the Strib reporters noted:

Republicans say that could be evidence of a cash-for-ballot scheme, though there’s no direct evidence in the videos of money being exchanged for ballots.

Actually, the second video does contain direct evidence of money being exchanged for ballots, but don’t look for the Strib to correct its coverage any time soon. Beyond misrepresenting the videos, the Star Tribune’s reporters regurgitated anti-Project Veritas smears that likely were fed to them by the Democratic Party. This morning I sent the two Strib reporters who wrote the paper’s story on the Veritas videos the following email:

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Re: Trump seizes on conservative group’s claim of fraud in Minneapolis election

Ms. Bierschbach and Mr. Otarola, in your Star Tribune story this morning you state, as a fact, that “Project Veritas has tried to plant fake stories with news organizations in the past….” I doubt whether this statement is true. What instances of Project Veritas “trying to plant fake stories with news organizations” are you referring to? What is your basis for thinking that those stories were “fake”?

You also say that Project Veritas is “a group with a controversial history of using undercover tactics and selectively edited video….” Of course, pretty much all video that one sees is edited, and editing is by definition selective. (In fact, Project Veritas is known for posting the full, original source videos from which its edited videos are taken.) By referring to “selectively edited video,” did you mean to suggest that Project Veritas’s videos are edited in a manner that is misleading? If so, please identify what videos you have in mind, and explain what your basis is for implying that they are misleading.

I look forward to your response. Thank you!

John Hinderaker

So far I have heard nothing from Ms. Bierschbach or Mr. Otarola. I will post any response they make.

UPDATE: Growing a little impatient, I sent this email to Ms. Bierschback and Mr. Otarola a few minutes ago:

Ms. Bierschbach and Mr. Otarola, I am disappointed not to have gotten any response to my email of earlier today. A little while ago, I wrote this:

Local Press Runs Interference on Voter Fraud (cont.) [Updated]

“Local Press Runs Interference on Voter Fraud (cont.) [Updated]” — Power Line

When you respond to my questions, I will post your answers publicly and open the matter up for public debate. Go ahead and check with your Democratic Party sources, I will reach out to Project Veritas for responses to any claims they may make. Let’s have a vigorous and open debate on voter fraud.

John Hinderaker

I look forward to promoting an honest debate on voter fraud in Minnesota and, perhaps, nationwide.

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