Twitter gods Censor a Stream of US President Trump’s Tweets — The Sheep Are Not Allowed to Challenge the Stolen Election

4 mins read

Democrats, in the privacy of the Philly Convention Center, without ANY GOP inspectors, added OVER ONE MILLION VOTES to Joe Biden’s totals since Wednesday morning!

It took over one million questionable votes for Joe Biden to nullify Trump’s landslide and take the lead by 10,000 votes in Pennsylvania.

WOW! They Want You to Believe This! — Biden Gained Over 1 Million Votes in Pennsylvania SINCE THE MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION!

And they want you to take it and just shut up about it!

Americans are catching on to these grifters.

TRENDING: HUGE! Corrupted Software Used in Michigan County that Stole 6,000 Votes from Trump — Is Also Used in ALL SWING STATES — PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ, MN!

On Saturday morning President Trump posted a number of tweets this morning challenging the 2020 election results.

Twitter censored them all.
They were not approved thoughts.

The President must learn not to question this openly fraudulent election.

Chris Buskirk has it right. Twitter is using its power to silence ONLY ONE of the candidates in this disputed election.

Here are the President’s tweets


Georgia using same software with the glitch:

People in were screaming STOP THE COUNT

Tens of thousands of votes illegally recieved aft 8PM election night

This changed the election result

Bad things happened late the night of the election

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