Bill de Blasio’s his own man.
The guy’s proven as much by making decisions most others might find unwise — or other, more extreme words.
Speaking of consonants and vowels, Bill’s got his own particular combination to sum up a New York City in which far fewer of its lawbreakers are in jail: “safer.”
The mayor made that clear Thursday, amid a huge spike in crime and a stunning number of retiring cops.
Here’s Bill, dropping some (social) science:
“We now have fewer people in our jails than any time since WWII, and we are safer for it and better for it.”
MRC TV video player
The Washington Free Beacon has a different way of describing it:
According to the most recent NYPD crime statistics, violent crimes — including shootings, murders, and burglaries — have all skyrocketed. Year-to-date shooting incidents in the city have increased by 61 percent, and the number of shooting victims has increased by 70 percent.
Back in March, Bill had a choice:
A) Have a deadly virus running rampant and have fewer criminals running around
B) Have a deadly virus running rampant and have more criminals running around
De Blasio chose B.
His reason: Public health (see more here).
As you know, the Big Apple bigwig also ensured the jails would stay spacious by recently having cops stand down as thousands looted stores all over the city.
Add to that the state’s no-bail policy and you’ve definitely got less crowded jails.
Fast-forward to a couple weeks ago and my self-explanatory headline, “De Blasio Cuts NYPD Budget by $1 Billion, Says He’ll Funnel the ‘Savings’ to ‘Young People.’”
Police Commissioner Dermot Shea isn’t happy about all the reform. And he believes it’s hurting people who aren’t white.
Earlier this week, the commish explained to CNN:
“You can’t have a one percent driving agendas that has a negative impact on the 99 percent. Particularly on people of color in inner cities, and that’s what’s happening right now.”
To hear Dermot tell it, the current state of things is “handcuffing the police.”
Back to Bill’s safer society, enjoy a few more stats:
2020 shootings so far: 634.
Last year at the same time: 294.
Murders are up 23%.
There may be fewer in jail than during WWII, but there certainly aren’t fewer victims. Unless you’re comparing to the actual world war.
See more pieces from me:
Get Out, Bigots: NYC Council Speaker Says Franklin Graham’s Medical Charity Has ‘No Place’ in the Pandemic-Stricken Big Apple
Splitting Headache: New York Stabbing Victim Walks Around With a Giant Knife Stuck in His Head (VIDEO)
Due to COVID-19, New York City Issues a Guide to ‘Safer’ Sex – and All I Can Say Is Wow
Find all my RedState work here.
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