It’s truly appalling when a Republican politicians invokes his or her religious faith in an argument. Does the separation of church and state mean nothing???
Well, you’ll all be pleased to learn that it’s OK when Democrats do it. AOC did it and look at how stunning and brave she looks:
“It is part of my faith that all people are holy and all people are sacred. Unconditionally.” @AOC just delivered a sermon to Congress about the dignity of LGBTQ people.
— Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons (@GuthrieGF) February 27, 2020
“It is part of my faith that all people are holy and all people are sacred. Unconditionally.” – @AOC
This is quite an explicitly religious speech from @AOC in Congress. Generally expressions of religious beliefs by politicians are frowned upon. Wonder how this will be received?
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) February 27, 2020
We’re waiting for the outcry from the usual suspects. But so far, nothing. AOC’s (D) doubles as a halo.
“Sometimes especially in this body I feel as though if Christ himself walked through these doors and said when he said thousands of years ago, that we should love our neighbor and our enemy, that we should…” 1/2 – @AOC
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) February 27, 2020
“… welcome the stranger, fight for the least of us, that it is easier for … a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into a kingdom of heaven, he would be maligned as a radical.” – 2/2 – @AOC
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) February 27, 2020
Can you imagine the rage cycle that would be generated by, say, Steve Scalise invoking Jesus Christ during congressional proceedings?
BTW, @AOC RT’d this, so clearly she does not have a problem with politicians citing their faith in support of policies.
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) February 27, 2020
But this actually gets more interesting, because AOC herself tries to go through the eye of a needle by invoking her “faith” while insisting that “the only time religious freedom is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination.”
.@AOC just turned the whole “religious freedom” argument on its head saying the only time it is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination. She then argues that her faith calls on her to see all people as sacred and holy. PREACH!
— Ryan Knight ???? (@ProudResister) February 27, 2020
The same religious freedom that lets her practice her “faith,” whatever that is?
“[T]he only time [the “religious freedom” argument] is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination.”
Quite the assertion…
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) February 27, 2020
again, @AOC RT’d this, so I assume she concurs:
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) February 27, 2020
What we’ve learned here is that AOC doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously on religion, either, on top of everything else.
This is a strawman.
Why is the left so annoyingly ignorant?
— Jonathan (@JMessyCar) February 27, 2020
This take is so dumb that I don’t even know where to begin.
How can anyone be this stupid?
— Two Smokin Barrels (@HerefortheLols6) February 27, 2020