RedState Live Blogs the Las Vegas Democratic DebateCOMMENTARY1 min readRedState Live Blogs the Las Vegas Democratic DebateSource linkShare this Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest WhatsappThe SpectatorLatest postsA conservative publication and syndicator with one aspiration to fulfill: a media platform where truth conquers all.GOP slowly gaining as early vote total surpasses 2016This is the Michael Dukakis Election of 2020Sarah Silverman Nails Cancel Culture for Exactly What It IsWith Only 9 Days To Go Before Election, Biden Calls Another Lid While Trump Is Securing Peace in the Middle EastView all
Previous StoryPompeo, in Saudi Arabia, says he will likely 'bring up the issue' of American doctor on trial there
This is the Michael Dukakis Election of 2020By Wayne Allyn Root I’ve been calling this the Michael Dukakis election
Sarah Silverman Nails Cancel Culture for Exactly What It Is Once again, a slam of cancel culture comes from a left-wing
With Only 9 Days To Go Before Election, Biden Calls Another Lid While Trump Is Securing Peace in the Middle EastWith a little over a week to go before Election Day, the
WATCH LIVE ON RSBN: President Trump’s MAGA Rally in Manchester, New HampshirePresident Trump is holding a massive MAGA rally in Manchester, New Hampshire
Joe Biden Campaign Releases COMPLETELY DISHONEST Ad Targeting Black Women that Misrepresents EVERY SINGLE TRUMP QUOTE — Will Twitter Flag This?The floundering Joe Biden campaign released a COMPLETELY DISHONEST ad on Sunday